Community Guidelines is proud to offer you a safe online dating environment. We encourage our members to be respectful and aware when communicating with other members and using our services.

The Community Guidelines should be read in conjunction with our Terms of Use. If you come across anyone violating our Community Guidelines, please let us know immediately. The consequences of violating our Community Guidelines vary depending on the extent of the violation and the member’s past behavior. Serious violations of our Community Guidelines may result in the abusive account being terminated and/or banned from using our service in the future.

Our Community Guidelines include:

Profile content and usage
Profile photos
Account security


Profile content and usage

You must be over the age of 18 to register and use our service.

Profile consistency

We encourage our members to provide consistent information about themselves. You must not impersonate anyone, give false information about your age or marital status, or provide any false or misleading information on your profile.

Information Profile

Your profile (name, profile title and profile content) must not contain any offensive, hateful, obscene, illegal or indecent content. Your profile must not contain content that promotes terrorism, mentions politics, or contains supporting content related to violence or self-harm. Your profile must not contain any content or links that violate another person’s copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right (eg: music, film, video, photo, image, software, literary work, etc.)

Profile authenticity

You should not create multiple accounts. You are only allowed to have one unique profile on each site we manage. Duplicate accounts will be deleted.

Profile purpose

Your profile should be used for friendship or relationship search. Accounts that are not used for friendship or relationship search will be deleted. Your profile should not contain any money, gifts or any exchange of goods of monetary value. We do not allow profiles that are used to woo young lovers, dowry, or similar purposes. On some of our sites, we may not allow profiles used for marriage search purposes to comply with certain laws.

Profile ownership

Your profile must be created for your use only and you may not sell your profile access or transfer your account to another person.

The photos you upload must be genuine and not harmful in any way. The photos you upload must be your own.

You should not upload the following types of images:

someone other than you
containing nudity
too sexy
legitimizing violence
with any contact information
Inappropriate or offensive
involving children/minors
who owns another person’s copyright
Containing drugs or drug-related equipment
Edited using Photoshop or digitally
Failure to meet any of these conditions may result in your photo being disapproved. In some cases, it may lead to the cancellation of your account.