Oath of Allegiance

The love story offers you sad marriage stories, you can read how fragile the relationships are and how sublime the love is in this true love story. My wife was serving dinner when I got home tonight. I took her hand and told her I had something to say. He sat down at the table […]

The Story of Kerem and Asli

Kerem, whose real name is Ahmet Mirza, is the son of the Shah of Isfahan. Aslı, on the other hand, is the daughter of an Armenian priest who was the treasurer of the Shah of Isfahan. Kerem and Aslı love each other. The Shah of Isfahan asks the priest for Asli for his son Kerem. […]

Too good to be true

I was tired and exhausted when we met at a health clinic last year. A depression had brought you there. Triggered by a separation that you could hardly process. The first time I saw you, you seemed kind of creepy to me. When we first started talking and you told me your story, you had […]

Did we really know each other?

A year. In the summer you had left our vacation and we both lived the separation without really seeking clarification again. Occasionally I perceived the superficial contact via messages, I put letters from you unopened to the side and your things were in my apartment. You didn’t ask for it, I didn’t grab it. Late […]


Declaration of love to my best friend You know the story, we told it to all the people who heard it – and didn’t want to hear it again and again. And now I’m going to write them down again in black and white. We were just 10 years old. The first week in secondary […]

Wanderlust and Wanderfrust

It was in the spring when my colleague asked me if I would like to go hiking with her. We had not been close friends until now, but she had already asked me the autumn before about a hike. My colleague is a very structured and hardworking woman, but she is not particularly popular. She […]