
Declaration of love to my best friend
You know the story, we told it to all the people who heard it – and didn’t want to hear it again and again. And now I’m going to write them down again in black and white.

We were just 10 years old. The first week in secondary school, how exciting! I was quite nervous and, to make matters worse, not only had I been assigned to the wrong class at first (without my elementary school friends), but I had also missed the jump to the right classroom in the first religious lesson and had ended up in Catholic class.

It’s like it was only yesterday
I was standing – a little late – and stylish in my black and white checkered flared trousers and the pink T-shirt with glitter cat print in front of the already closed door. The idea of having to go in there now and attract attention was totally stupid. I showed courage and went in, only to be immediately embarrassed to realize that I was in the wrong room and the teacher said: “Never mind, Julia. Just sit down with us for this hour and look for a free place“. That’s great. Everyone was already sitting and watching me. I didn’t know anyone. So I made my way through the ranks and started looking for a place. When I passed you, you smiled at me shyly but cheerfully and I sat down next to you. And I’m kind of still sitting there today. Next to you, by your side. Near you, I was no longer nervous and anxious. Suddenly everything was fine. Now nothing could happen to me.

Pretty quickly we became the best girlfriends
During the lesson, we wrote messages to each other in friendship books. After school, at your house there was spaghetti with tomato sauce and kitchen tablespsychology for young teenagers. Somehow we already understood life in a similar way at that time. Just like soulmates, “Soulsisters”, even the girlfriend test in the Bravo Girl knew that!

We spent our entire youth together
It was an intense time with a lot of highs, but also some lows that we went through together. The first bad grades, the fear of math lessons, the insecurities in adolescence. You were there. The first kiss, the first time, the first parties, the first holiday without parents, the first great love. You were there. When I was just crying and trembling because of my first bad heartbreak, you stroked my back all night and said that everything would be fine again.

The summer after your back surgery was hard. Having a vacation without you was kind of pretty shitty. In these weeks I have therefore visited you as often as possible. You are very hot at your hospital bed to report all the news to cheer you up, so that you could hopefully get well again very quickly. When you changed schools, we were worried it might take us away from each other. But we were no longer children and we were responsible for the fact that we remained friends and of course we did!

You deserve this happiness so much
When I look at you today, I see a wonderful confident woman who knows exactly what she wants. The warmth radiates and is empathetic and above all has an incredible strength. You are my resting place, I am at home with you and can be exactly as I am. This is a gift I will never forget for you.

We have suddenly become quite grown up! This year we celebrate your wedding, next year we celebrate 20 years of friendship. A friendship that I am very proud of.

When I think about the future, I see us together in front of me. I see us on vacation at the beach, in everyday life on joint professional projects, with our children on the playground, at dinner parties in the garden. And how we, old and shriveled, raise the champagne glasses to a wonderful life together. Sitting side by side, just like at school.

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